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I Believe That Children Are Our Future

I truly believe that youth are not only our future, but they are our present as well. As populations globally continue to age, younger people and/or the youth are forced to step up and be our leaders. However, leadership is not a quality that comes with age or even occurs overnight; leadership is a quality that must either be taught or modeled. This is why we must all be living and breathing examples of great leaders that our youth can look up to and maybe even aspire to be like one day. Despite a child’s upbringing and the hardships that they may have faced, I believe that each and every child has the same great potential to be a change agent for a better world and a leader for today and tomorrow. 

It is crucial that parents, along with teachers and school administrators strive to be a helping hand to your children/students by helping them with developing and reaching their full potential. The term “Full potential” is often something I like to refer to as one’s “divine purpose”. A divine purpose can be seen as a mission or assignment given to each and every human being that is to be completed during the span of their life. No purpose is the same from person to person; they are all very special and unique just like us. A purpose is something that only a higher power can and will ever know the full details of, but can only be truly seen and understood by those who have acknowledged that their life has meaning and that they have a purpose  for being on this Earth. 

We must work daily to help our children to believe in themselves and to see themselves as capable and qualified individuals. Assist your children in discovering their own identity, defining their purpose, and presently walking in their purpose or their “destiny”. Help develop strategies for your children to express their own opinions and nurturing their own ideas that will one day become manifest. Be an active part of the equation that results in the development of not only a high achieving scholar, but a prosperous and successful leader of today and for our hopeful tomorrow.